"Just finished Diablo. Was everything I want in a book. During the day I would find myself thinking about what I had read the night before, playing the "movie" over in my mind. I couldn't wait to pick it back up and see what happens next.
Thank you Mark, where's the next book?" Danny Ridenour
Finished it! I loved it! It was a really good read and great story! Congrats! Leanne Oswalt Knisely
Let me start by saying that I am so proud of you and for you. Diablo was a delightful read; I read it twice. The characterizations are perfectly developed and executed. The plot moves just as it should, and the subplots add to the intrigue. The historical events become part of the narrative rather than just put in to add to length.
I am delighted to learn that this will become a movie, and I will be in line to watch. Sue Shaw-Smith
Finished both books! I love that Diablo was set in many of my favorite places!
Excited to see what comes next!
Belinda Golden Hansen
Mark- I gotta tell you. This book was as good as anything your brother has written. I loved it...now a sequel to see what happens to Duvall and JC! Great job brother! I can’t wait for the movie! Greg Benefield
Hi Mark! I always love a book that has suspense, conflict, intrigue, and the good guys win. Loved Diablo! Janice Sutton
Loved it! Didn't want to put it down, but had to at times. It was an easy read for me. You write well and the development of your characters kept my interest. Can't wait for the movie and your next novel! Thanks, again! Phareta Calkin
Carole McPhail Morgan Happy Birthday! My boyfriend got ur book from me for Christmas. Already finished it! He really liked it!! 😀 excited about the movie!
Lisa Triplett Pair I read It! Amazing and I loved It! Congratulations and well done! Looking forward to the next chapter, I hope!
Donna Jones Warren Mark Grisham I loved it. It was over before I wanted it to be though. I wanted to read more! I hope you will think about continuing this story.
Teresa Knight Jackson I bought your book at the craft fair in Tennessee. You kindly signed it and let me take it home with me. It was an eye opener to an era I knew nothing about. I love reading about the Civil War period. However, this was so different from anything that I have read before. Thank you!
Mark & Kellie, Wishing the best new year for 2020. Just finished your book, really enjoyed it.
Neal Vickers
If reading books around the Civil War era interests you then both of my friend and classmate Mark Grisham books are a must read. Bedlam South was his first book and Diablo is the newest.
Donna Jones Warren
For those of you who haven’t read “Bedlam South” you should. Mark Grisham. Did great! Check it out
Awesome Mark, I personally have read your book and loved It!